

I'm just a writer who was not very good, but the writing can turn into something that can be impressive to me.

Starting from a shared curiosity about the information, despite having only minimal knowledge of English. I still want to try to share with all. I'm sure all can appreciate my good intentions, though writing is still very ugly. but I remain convinced that those of you who come here will feel happy to read an article in this blog.

So, the point I am not a professional writer but an amateur writer who wish to become a successful professional writer.

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Provide info about the sea games to be held in month 11 years later in 2011, but not only that this blog will also give out information about a sea games from abroad too, of course, so we're not just stuck with the local news.

The contents of articles mostly from various sources, but this blog was set up so that readers do not painstakingly searching the web / blogs that provide information about sea games, so I became it to become one of this blog so that readers easily find information about the sea games.

For the source deliberately not given, because fear if given the original link later readers who are not from within the country will not understand read it because the source article but not the english language in the country or locally, for example, the source is given little information from the source through the title of the picture cursor that appears when we are on an existing image in the article.

Hopefully this article provided by this blog useful for all.

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